Create a Birthday Fundraiser!

Create a Birthday Fundraiser! Large

Step 1

Click the link above and navigate to the Facebook Fundraiser page. Click “Raise Money”, then “Get Started”.

Step 2

Begin typing “MedShare”, then select “MedShare International” when our name pops up and click “Next”.

Step 3

Set a fundraising goal that you would be proud of as you and your social network support MedShare’s global mission. Choose the date you would like to complete your fundraiser. Then click “Next”.

Step 4

Edit the name and description of your fundraiser in the fields provided. Then click “Next”.

Step 5

Change the cover photo to MedShare’s Birthday Fundraiser graphic by clicking “Edit” then “Upload new photo”. Select the file from your computer and wait for it to upload. Once it has loaded, adjust the banner as needed and click “Create”.

Step 6

Once your fundraiser has been created, click “Get Started” to invite friends to the party! Begin typing a friend’s name, select their Facebook profile, and then click “Done”.

Step 7

Share your fundraiser on your timeline and tell all your friends why you’ve donated your birthday to MedShare!